
2018-10-09 關(guān)鍵詞:行業(yè)動態(tài) 點擊量:1487








我鐘愛FISITA的重要原因之一是其連續(xù)性和一貫卓越,這是由主席、預(yù)備主席和前任主席的組織設(shè)定來保障的。在過去的兩年里,我和前任主席Dan Nicholson步調(diào)一致地緊密合作;而在接下來的兩年里,我將和預(yù)備主席NadineLeclair一起加倍努力地工作,以繼續(xù)確保FISITA領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層的繼承性,這樣我們就可以作為一個團隊向著長遠的愿景而不斷前進。





Honorable Governer, distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen Good afternoon

I am very proud to be serving as the President ofFISITA for 2018-2020 amongst a very distinguished group of Presidents who haveserved over the last 70 years of history. I feel honored to have such a greatopportunity of leading such an international organization representing nearly210 thousands of engineers from 37 countries focusing on technologiesdevelopment and industrialization to support mobility for our societies.

As all of you know manychallenges such as energy issues, pollution, traffic congestion and safety are ahead of our more than 100years old industry. Meanwhile the new technologies such as IT, connectivity ,big data, AI and so on are bringing in significant challenges and opportunitiesto our industry. Our industry is undergoing a major transformation. Theindustry is becoming borderless. So now than ever, collaboration across theindustries and across the continents is far more important for our industry.

As a Chinese native I spentnearly twenty years overseas studying and working in Japan, UK and US. Myinternational experience tells me communication, collaboration and friendshipare the common natures of human beings regardless of your religion or nationalities.The planet is flat if you are open-minded and trying to understand and acceptothers. That is the fundamental personality FISITA has to get engineers aroundthe world to work together to make our future better. As the President ofFISITA. I want to re-emphasize the importance of communication, collaborationand sharing to make our industry better, make our community better and the endof the day make our life better.

I like FISITA the most isthe continuity and continued excellence that have been built up by theorganizational setup of President, President Elect and Past President. I reallyfeel very aligned in working with our Past President Dan Nicholson for the lasttwo years and I will work very hard with our President Elect Nadine Leclair during thenext two years to make sure that the leadership of FISITA has continuity andthat we are driving forward all the time as a team with long-term vision.

As the new President, what you can expect from me isthe team work, teaming with all the constituencies the past presidents havedone - working with the Executive Board, working with the Honorary Committee,working together with everyone who can help move the organisation forward. MeanwhileI want to use three key words to emphasize the focus of my jobs: Quality,Involvement and recognition. To my knowledge, FISITA enters a new era ofevolving into a well-respected internal organization in mobility community. QUALITYIS THE KEY WORD OF MY TERM OF PRESIDENCY. We will welcome moreactive involvements of member societies and corporate members. Meanwhile wewill make a great effort to find a way to deliver more benefits to our membersand promote global recognitions of significant contributions from our keyinfluential individuals and outstanding supporters. I want to ask all of you tojoin me to work hard together to make our home FISITA better.

Finally I would like tomorrow this stage to thank our Indian friends for their great hospitality – weenjoyed so much for the short stay and we love to come back, thank you all ofyou who travelled thousands of miles to Chennai – it is you who made this eventa great success – I hope you all had a great fun. We look forward to seeing allof you two years later in Prague, Czech.

Thank you and wish you a safe trip back home!


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